Our Amazing Team!

  • Emelia Lionhearty

    Program Director

    Emelia an advertising expert turned into a community development expert. Now she leads our team with her expertise and years of experience in the community development.

  • Dominique Renee Makalew

    Organizational Director

    Renee strategizing and managing the organizational operation of Yayasan Anatman to make sure the timetables and punctuation of a project.

  • Frederica Nancy

    Development Director

    Nancy is passionatte to bring social and environmental changes through her research and ideas. Started as an online social media expert and campaigner, now she develops offline programs & campaigns.

  • Adisena Danarswara

    Finance Director

    Adisena passion is in numbers. Making sure everything is cost efficient!

  • Mahatma Putra


    Putra is the founder of Anatman Pictures, the first and the only Production House in South East Asia to receive a B-Corp certification. Yayasan Anatman for Community is part of Anatman Pictures B-Corp commitment.

  • Suryo Wijoyo

    Lead Permaculturist and Horticulturist

    Suryo’s extensive farming experience in Tulung Agung, East Java makes doing smaller permaculture projects feels like a light work. He used to work on a 4 hectares land by himself, using an ancient Javanese farming technique that was passed down by his ancestors.

  • Ferdinand Louise

    Community Action

    Planning and execute! Always on the field and with people.